April 13, 2019 Subject:
Reply to Crowleyb
I cannot remember where i got this - it is taken off some other website (perhaps NYPL - not my book) and was added since the Biodiversity Heritage Library did not have a copy on their set. I see that they now have the same uploaded.
It was clearly public domain and my main reason for putting it here was ease of referencing pages and linking from other sites (esp. Wikipedia)
April 11, 2019 Subject:
Hi Shyamal, Thank you for digitizing and uploading this item. Do you know what collection it came from or is this your own personal copy? Thanks for whatever information you can provide.
Why is this file locked? I can't save it for future reference and have to come here every time I need to consult one of these pictures. Both this and volume one from the same source are locked. You have volume 1 from another source which isn't locked. Do I need to go photograph this myself? Having these on electronic file is a terrific time saver, but not if I have to seek it out on the web every time I need to check something.